Press Releases
Showing 1 to 24 of 317.
Sweater Weather in North America
Even with global temperatures well above normal in February 2025, a blast of frigid Arctic air spilled south into the central and eastern United States.
Summer Heat Wave in South America
February 2025 was a scorcher, with record temperatures in parts of Brazil and notable heat in Argentina.
Cold and Snow Wallop the U.S.
The first major, widespread winter storm of 2025 delivered snow, ice, and frigid temperatures to a large swath of the country.
NASA Goddard Showcases Science and Technology at SC24 Conference
SC24: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, held November 18–22 in Atlanta, Georgia, smashed all records with 18,104 attendees and 494 exhibits. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center contributed research projects, NASA 101 talks, and an Earth Information Center exhibit to NASA's popular exhibit.
Annual Science Conference to Highlight NASA Research
NASA researchers will present findings on Earth science, planetary science, and heliophysics at the upcoming American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024 annual meeting in Washington, DC, beginning on Monday, Dec. 9.
NASA Satellites Reveal Abrupt Drop in Global Freshwater Levels
From 2015 through 2023, satellite measurements showed that the average amount of freshwater stored on land — that includes liquid surface water like lakes and rivers, plus water in aquifers underground — was 290 cubic miles (1,200 cubic km) lower than the average levels from 2002 through 2014.
The Earth Observer Editor’s Corner: Fall 2024
On September 18, 2024, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shared the first images of the Western Hemisphere from the GOES-19 satellite, its newest geostationary satellite launched on June 25, 2024...
NASA Goddard Hosts Former VP Al Gore to Mark 10 Years of DSCOVR Mission
Environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore visited NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Oct. 16, 2024, to commemorate the upcoming 10th anniversary of the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) mission.
A Series of Rare Disturbances in the Stratosphere
The polar vortex elongated and weakened over Antarctica, causing rare warming events.
California’s Park Fire Spread Fast and Hot
An array of satellite sensors observed the long-duration, episodic spread of the state’s historic fire.
ARCSIX Analyzes Arctic Sea Ice Loss
In summer 2024, NASA scientists went to northern Greenland to study how clouds and atmospheric particles may be contributing to the ongoing loss of multiyear sea ice.
NASA Data Shows July 22 Was Earth’s Hottest Day on Record
July 22, 2024, was the hottest day on record, according to a NASA analysis of global daily temperature data. July 21 and 23 of this year also exceeded the previous daily record, set in July 2023. These record-breaking temperatures are part of a long-term warming trend driven by human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse […]
NASA Returns to Arctic Studying Summer Sea Ice Melt
What happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic, and a new NASA mission is helping improve data modeling and increasing our understanding of Earth's rapidly changing climate. Changing ice, ocean, and atmospheric conditions in the northernmost part of Earth have a large impact on the entire planet. That’s because the Arctic region acts ...
Smoky Skies Across North America
Hundreds of wildland fires lofted sky-dulling smoke over Canada and the United States.
Watch Carbon Dioxide Move through Earth’s Atmosphere
This global map shows concentrations of carbon dioxide as the gas moved through Earth’s atmosphere from January through March 2020, driven by wind patterns and atmospheric circulation
Fires Char the Siberian Arctic
Large wildland fires are burning in the tundra of northern Russia.
Extreme Heat Hammers U.S. Coasts
As summer heat hit the western and eastern U.S. in July 2024, temperatures have been especially high in the Southwest.
In the Grip of Global Heat
Heat waves rolled through parts of Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia, leaving vulnerable populations at risk.
Evaluating Proposed Next-Generation Satellite Instruments: Nikki Privé
Continuing our occasional series, this NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) User Spotlight shines on Dr. Nikki Privé. The quasi-native Marylander currently works as a senior research scientist in the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
A Blast of Heat in the East
A heat dome broke temperature records in the U.S. Midwest and Northeast.
Heat Scorches U.S. Southwest
n early summer heat wave broke temperature records in Nevada, Arizona, and California in June 2024.
NASA Scientists Take to the Seas to Study Air Quality
Satellites continuously peer down from orbit to take measurements of Earth, and this week a group of scientists set sail to verify some of those data points.
NASA Mission Flies Over Arctic to Study Sea Ice Melt Causes
To explore factors contributing to sea ice melt, NASA is flying two aircraft equipped with scientific instruments over the Arctic Ocean north of Greenland this summer
NASA, IBM Research to Release New AI Model for Weather, Climate
Working together, NASA and IBM Research have developed a new artificial intelligence model to support a variety of weather and climate applications.
Showing 1 to 24 of 317.