Press Releases
Showing 1 to 24 of 446.
How New NASA, India Earth Satellite NISAR Will See Earth
When NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) new Earth satellite NISAR (NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar) launches in coming months, it will capture images of Earth’s surface so detailed they will show how much small plots of land and ice are moving, down to fractions of an inch.
NASA Scientists Find New Human-Caused Shifts in Global Water Cycle
In a recently published paper, NASA scientists use nearly 20 years of observations to show that the global water cycle is shifting in unprecedented ways. The majority of those shifts are driven by activities such as agriculture and could have impacts on ecosystems and water management, especially in certain regions.
NASA Goddard Showcases Science and Technology at SC24 Conference
SC24: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, held November 18–22 in Atlanta, Georgia, smashed all records with 18,104 attendees and 494 exhibits. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center contributed research projects, NASA 101 talks, and an Earth Information Center exhibit to NASA's popular exhibit.
Annual Science Conference to Highlight NASA Research
NASA researchers will present findings on Earth science, planetary science, and heliophysics at the upcoming American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024 annual meeting in Washington, DC, beginning on Monday, Dec. 9.
NASA Satellites Reveal Abrupt Drop in Global Freshwater Levels
From 2015 through 2023, satellite measurements showed that the average amount of freshwater stored on land — that includes liquid surface water like lakes and rivers, plus water in aquifers underground — was 290 cubic miles (1,200 cubic km) lower than the average levels from 2002 through 2014.
Drought Expands Across the U.S.
Dry conditions parched all but two states in October 2024 and worsened as the month progressed.
A Deluge for Roswell
The city in southeastern New Mexico received four times more rainfall in a day than it usually receives in a month.
Water for a Desert Lake in Algeria
Scientists are studying the rare filling of Sebkha el Melah for clues about past—and possibly future—greening of the Sahara Desert.
NASA Goddard Hosts Former VP Al Gore to Mark 10 Years of DSCOVR Mission
Environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore visited NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Oct. 16, 2024, to commemorate the upcoming 10th anniversary of the DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) mission.
Intense, Widespread Drought Grips South America
Insufficient rainfall in 2023-2024 has taken a toll on the region’s rivers and groundwater and upended daily life in several countries.
A Forest Fire in Western Wyoming
A lightning-ignited blaze billowed smoke into the towns and valleys near Jackson.
Flash Floods Swamp North Carolina
Torrential rains from Hurricane Helene swamped communities in the mountainous western part of the state.
Spring Snow in Lesotho
A late-season storm covered the mountainous country and nearby provinces of South Africa in a blanket of white.
Hurricane Helene 2024
Helene formed as a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico on Sept. 24, 2024, and is currently forecast to make landfall in Florida’s Big Bend region the evening of Sept. 26 as a Category 3 hurricane. Meteorologists also anticipate impacts in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and the Carolinas, as the storm moves north after landfall.
Rivers in Europe Burst Their Banks
Torrential rain from a stalled storm system caused flooding in countries such as Poland and Slovakia.
ICESat-2 Hosts Third Applications Workshop
The ICESat-2 Applications Team hosted its third Applications workshop June 3–4, 2024 at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in a hybrid environment. A total of 113 participants registered for the workshop, representing multiple government agencies, including NASA Centers, non-profit organizations, and academic organizations.
A Deluge for the Sahara
An extratropical storm system dropped torrential rains on parts of Morocco and Algeria.
Floods Swamp Sudan
Flash flooding has inundated villages, swamped farmland, and damaged infrastructure.
Aftermath of a Landslide-Triggered Tsunami
The 56-foot wave in Pedersen Lagoon, on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, damaged trees and left a mark on the landscape.
Dry in the Rio Grande Basin
Amid drought in southern Texas and northern Mexico, Amistad Reservoir has hit record-low levels.
Chilcotin River’s Landslide Lake Begins Draining
Erosion-resistant glacial sediment in the landslide deposit limited the extent of flooding downstream.
Landslide Dams the Chilcotin River
Debris from a landslide in British Columbia blocked the river’s flow for several days before water found a way through.
Record Rainfall Floods Midwest
Rivers burst their banks, inundating homes and farmland in South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa.
Groundwater Declines in the U.S. Southwest
Record snowfall has not been enough to offset groundwater losses amid long-term drying and a heightened demand for the resource.
Showing 1 to 24 of 446.