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Version 3.3 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) Datasets Released
Upgraded Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) datasets have been released as Version 3.3 at the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC). These provide long-term precipitation data on a 0.5° global grid for both Monthly and Daily time intervals, covering 1983 and 1998 to the delayed present, respectively. The work is being carried out under a NASA Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) project.
UCONN 2025 Winter Field Campaign
GPM Ground Validation groups from Wallops Flight Facility and Goddard are participating in the UCONN 2025 to study East Coast winter storms. The field campaign will end in spring 2025.
WHyMSIE Campaign Completes Successful Flights
A mid-wave IR Airborne Imager was successfully flown on NASA's ER-2 on Oct 18, 22 and 23, 2024, for the WHyMSIE campaign thanks to the team efforts of Dong Wu (613), Mariel Friberg (613/UMD), Matt Mclinden (612), Peter Pantina (612/SSAI), Skylar Hoffert (555), Murzy Jhabvala (550), Allen Lunsford (693/AmUniv), and Don Jennings (550/SSAI).
GPM Captures Views of Hurricane Milton
The NASA GPM outreach team worked with the Scientific Visualization Studio to produce a series of animations for the 4 overpasses that GPM captured of Hurricane Milton as it formed, rapidly intensified, and impacted Florida
Precipitation Impacts from Hurricane Beryl
The GES DISC published a Data-in-Action article "Precipitation Impacts from Hurricane Beryl." This article used Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) data to display the track of Beryl, including its interaction with Jamaica, coastal Texas, and all the way to Vermont, where its remnants caused significant flooding.
GOES-U Has Lift Off!
On Tuesday, June 25th the GOES-U satellite successfully launched at 5:26 pm EDT.
GOES-U Satellite is Gearing Up for Launch
Follow the progress on the NASA GOES-U blog. Launch is June 25, 2024.
GPM Ground Validation Continues
The GPM GV group (Code 612/Wallops) completed its fourth winter deployment of instrumentation at the University of Connecticut. This year provided a total of 40 events (7 snow + 5 rain/snow + 28 rain). It was a relatively dry winter but our extension to spring months helped us to collect more rain events, including convective precipitation
Earth Day Toolkit Available
NASA’s fleet of satellites see the whole Earth, every day. This year, you can celebrate Earth Day with NASA wherever you are! Host your own Earth Day event—supported by NASA science—with activities, demonstrations, handouts, posters, videos, and more.
GPM Ground Validation (GV) Activity
Members of NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) GV team [David Wolff (612), GPM GV PI], the University of Connecticut, the Oklahoma State University (Gus Azevedo, PI), the Advanced Radar Research Center, and the Oklahoma NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) completed two deployments of a Weather Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) collocated with NASA’s GPM Atmospheric Instrumentation Laboratory (GAIL) trailer. There were 46 flights gathering profiles in challenging conditions of +35 mph wind during drizzle, rain, freezing rain, and snow events.
2023 Atmospheres (AT) Awards Announced
It is a pleasure to announce the recipients of this year's Atmospheres (AT) Peer Awards!
• Daeho Jin (613/UMBC), Best Earth Science Research Results Portal (ESRRP) Entry
• Sergey Korkin (613/UMBC), Best Senior Author Publication
• Alfonso Delgado-Bonal (613/UMBC), Best Senior Author Publication
• Dan Anderson (614/UMBC), Outstanding Performance in Science
• Yuli Liu (612/UMBC), Outstanding Performance in Science
• Michael Watson (612/McCallie Associates), Engineering/Instrumentation Support
• GPM Ground Validation (GV) Team
- Carl Schirtzinger (615/SSAI), Engineering/Instrumentation Support
- Alexey Chibisov (615/McCallie Associates), Engineering/Instrumentation Support
- Mick Boulanger (840/SSAI), Engineering/Instrumentation Support
• Erin Delaria (614/NPP), Field Campaign Support
• Jayne Boehmler (614/SSAI), Field Campaign Support
• Eric Nelkin (612/SSAI), Science Software Development
• Rama Varma Raja Mundakkara-Kovilakom (614/SSAI), Science Software Development
• Zachary Fasnacht (614/SSAI), Science Software Development
• Claudia Alvarez-Warren (610/ADNET), IT Support
• Lara Clemence (610/GST), Web Support
• Mariel Friberg (613/UMD), Mentoring
• Sallie Smith (619/GST), Outreach
• Marcy August (613/X3M), Business Support
• Johnny Brendle (610/ASRC), Business Support
• ARSET Team, Distinguished Contribution Group Award
- Melanie Follette-Cook (612/NASA)
- Brock Blevins (612/SSAI)
- Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC)
- Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/SSAI)
- Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI)
- Jonathan O’Brien
- Suzanne Monthie (612/GST
- David Barbato (612/UMBC)
- Sean McCartney (610/SSAI)
- Amita Mehta (612/UMBC)
- Pawan Gupta (618/NASA)
- Carl Malings (610.1/MSU)
- Marines Martins (612/Space Systems)
- Sarah Strode (614/NASA)
• Ozonesonde Team, Distinguished Contribution Group Award
- Rhonie Wolff
- Thomas Northam
- Chris Wright
- Debra Kollonige (614/SSAI)
- Niko Fedkin (614/NPP)
- Anne Thompson (610/Emeritus)
• Bob Meneghini (612/NASA), Special Recognition Award
• Deanna Adamcyzk (157/NASA), Special Recognition Award
Lab Personnel Support ARSET Training
NASA ARSET just completed an intermediate, online training titled Transforming Earth Observation (EO) Data into Building Infrastructure Data Sets for Disaster Risk Modeling. This three-part training, partly funded by the NASA Applied Sciences Disasters Program, covered the basics of natural hazard risk modeling and exposure development with a focus on fusing data from multiple datasets expressly for the purposes of risk assessment. It also presented examples applying the techniques to applications related to flood risk assessment, climate adaptation, and earthquake modeling. This training was delivered by guest speakers Charles Huyck (ImageCat), Georgiana Esquivias (ImageCat), Michael Eguchi (ImageCat), Paul Amyx (ImageCat), Marina T. Mendoza (ImageCat), Greg Yetman (CIESIN, Columbia University), Juan Martinez (CIESIN, Columbia University) Taylor Hauser (Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL]), Amy Rose (ORNL), Philipe AmbrozioDias (ORNL). Melanie Follette-Cook (612), Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/GST), Brock Blevins (612/SSAI), Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC), David Barbato (612/UMBC), Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI), Sue Monthie (612/GST), and Jonathan O’Brien (612/SSAI) supported the training. In attendance were 808 participants from 101 countries and 29 US states. Approximately 400 unique organizations were represented.
GPM Outreach Team Focuses on Hurricane Hilary
The GPM Outreach Team developed a visualization and web story about heavy rainfall in the Southwest U.S. from Hurricane Hilary, the first tropical storm to strike California since 1939. The animation was developed by Jason West (619/KBR), and the story was written by Stephen Lang (612/SSAI) with edits by Jacob Reed (617/Telophase). Jacob posted the story to the website and helped share the story on @NASAAtmosphere social media.
ESD Personnel Serve as ARSET Water Quality Trainers/Speakers
July 18 - July 25, NASA ARSET just completed an advanced, online training titled Monitoring Water Quality of Inland Lakes using Remote Sensing. This three-part training focused on demonstrating the use of remote sensing observations from Landsat 8 and 9, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3 for assessing water quality parameters, including chlorophyll-a concentration and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in inland lakes. This training also highlighted the importance of in situ measurements of these parameters, coincident with satellite observations, in developing methodologies for operational water quality monitoring. ARSET trainers Amita Mehta (612/UMBC) and Sean McCartney (610/SSAI) delivered the training along with guest speakers Bridget Seegers (616/MSU) and Blake Schaeffer (US EPA). Melanie Follette-Cook (612), Brock Blevins (612/SSAI), Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC), David Barbato (612/UMBC), Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI), Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/GST), Suzanne Monthie (612/GST), and Jonathan O’Brien (612/SSAI) supported the training. In attendance were 1,054 participants from 108 countries and 32 U.S. states. Approximately 500 unique organizations were represented.
Milani Elected Vice President of IRSC
Lisa Milani (612/UMD) has been elected Vice President of the International Remote Sensing Commission, one of the commissions of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). Elections took place this past July, during the 28th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
ER-2 Payloads Support ALOFT
Lab members are participating in the Airborne Lightning Observatory for FEGS and TGFs (ALOFT) field campaign. The Cloud Radar System, the ER-2 X-band Doppler Radar, and the Conical Scan Submillimeter Imaging Radiometer (CoSSIR) are on the NASA ER-2 high-altitude airplane flying over thunderstorms in the southeastern USA, the Gulf of Mexico, Central America, and the northeast Caribbean during July 2023.
Goddard Monitors Smoke from Canada Wildfires
An unusually intense start to Canada’s wildfire season filled skies with smoke in May 2023. Then, at the beginning of June, scores of new fires raged in the eastern Canadian province of Quebec. NASA’s Aqua satellite, operated at Goddard, has captured imagery of the smoke. The Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) based at Goddard has computed models of where the smoke may travel in coming days.
ARSET Completes Advanced Training in Mexico
NASA ARSET completed an advanced, in-person training in Nuevo León, Mexico, May 8-11, 2023, titled La Teledetección para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres por Sequías, Incendios Forestales e Indundaciones en México. This four-day workshop was in collaboration with the Mexican Civil Protection Agency of the Municipality of García, Nuevo León, Mexico, and covered methodologies for generating disaster-related products from satellite data relevant to the assessment of droughts, fires, and floods. The content was adapted to states in Mexico that have suffered these catastrophes in recent years. This training enhanced the ability to identify at-risk disaster areas in Mexico to better prepare Civil Protection Agencies across the country in planning, mitigation, and recovery strategies. This training was delivered by Erika Podest (JPL/Caltech), Sean McCartney (610/SSAI), and Amita Mehta (612/UMBC). Melanie Follette-Cook (612), Brock Blevins (612/SSAI), Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC), David Barbato (612/UMBC), Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI), Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/GST), Sue Monthie (612/GST), and Jonathan O’Brien (612/SSAI) supported the training. In attendance were 33 participants from 10 states and Mexico City.
Delay of TROPICS Launch Due to Unfavorable Winds
NASA and Rocket Lab are now targeting no earlier than 11:30 p.m. EDT Thursday, May 25, (3:30 p.m. NZST Friday, May 26th) for the launch of the agency’s TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) mission, from Launch Complex 1 in Mahia, New Zealand.
It’s Launch Day Again for NASA’s TROPICS CubeSats
Launch day is here for NASA’s TROPICS (Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats) mission! Atop a Rocket Lab Electron rocket, a pair of small satellites await liftoff from Launch Complex 1 in Māhia, New Zealand, to join a pair of recently deployed TROPICS satellites that launched just over two weeks ago.
Earth Expeditions: In Dust and Clouds Over Africa, Scientists Find Clues to How Hurricanes Form
When the dust that wafts off the Sahel and Sahara regions of Africa mixes with tropical clouds, it creates what’s known as a rainy “disturbance” in the eastern Atlantic. These disturbances are hurricanes in their youngest form, and as they travel across the ocean, they can either dissipate or grow into powerful storms.
To study these infant storms, a group of NASA scientists in September 2022 spent a month flying off the northwestern coast of Africa aboard NASA’s DC-8 research plane. Each day, the team took off from Cabo Verde, an island nation off the west coast of Africa, logging roughly 100 hours altogether. The mission, known as the Convective Processes Experiment – Cabo Verde (CPEX-CV) released its data publicly on April 1.
Research on Megafire Smoke Plumes Cited
Steve Guimond (612/UMBC) had two news stories published last week highlighting new science on megafire smoke plumes analyzed with the NASA GEOS climate model. The findings were published in the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems and reveal the impact of model dynamics on identifying the aerosol properties of these smoke plumes and the formation of anti-cyclonic vortices. Read the stories here and here.
Division Members Support Bilingual NASA ARSET Training
NASA ARSET just completed an advanced, bilingual, online training titled "Crop Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Remote Sensing." This three-part training built on previous ARSET agricultural trainings. Here we presented more advanced radar remote sensing techniques using polarimetry and a canopy structure dynamic model to monitor crop growth. The training also covered how to apply machine learning methods to classify crop type using a time series of Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 imagery. ARSET trainers Sean McCartney (610/SSAI) and Erika Podest (JPL/Caltech) delivered the training along with guest speakers Armando Marino (University of Stirling), Krištof Oštir (University of Ljubljana), Matej Račič (University of Ljubljana), Heather McNairn (AAFC/AAC), Emily Lindsay (AAFC/AAC), and Xianfeng Jiao (AAFC/AAC). Brock Blevins (612/SSAI), Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC), David Barbato (612/UMBC), Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI), Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/GST), and Jonathan O’Brien (612/SSAI) supported the training. In attendance were 1,977 participants from 127 countries and 37 US states. Approximately 900 unique organizations were represented. You can access the materials en español here.
Lab Members Participate in ARSET Training
Brock Blevins (612/SSAI), Selwyn Hudson-Odoi (612/UMBC), David Barbato (612/UMBC), Sarah Cutshall (612/SSAI), Natasha Johnson-Griffin (612/GST), and Jonathan O’Brien (612/SSAI) supported the NASA ARSET training titled "Biodiversity Applications for Airborne Imaging Systems." This four-part training first highlighted the use of hyperspectral Visible to Shortwave Infrared (VSWIR) imaging spectroscopy data for measuring and monitoring terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity (e.g., mapping plant or phytoplankton functional types). Next, the series focused on using thermal and LiDAR data for characterizing the structure and function of ecosystems using airborne campaigns including the Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) and NASA's Land, Vegetation, and Ice Sensor (LVIS). In attendance were 1,342 participants from 108 countries and 44 US states. Approximately 700 unique organizations were represented.
Showing 1 to 24 of 97.