ITM Physics Laboratory

C. Alex Young

(Associate Director for Science Communicaton)

C. Alex Young's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.286.4441
Org Code: 670
Mail Code 670
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. C. Alex Young is the Associate Director for Science Communication in the Heliophysics Science Division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. In this role, he oversees and coordinates the division's science communication. This includes developing tools, resources, and training for the NASA workforce to reach many audiences. He also works with the division scientists to promote and support their research and coordinates this work with the center, agency, and beyond.

In graduate school at the University of New Hampshire, Dr. Young studied the high-energy astrophysics of cosmic gamma-ray bursts and gamma-ray solar flares.

He joined the NASA/ESA SOHO mission after graduate school as a Solar Astrophysicist with the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT). He also served as a staff scientist for the STEREO mission and as a Chief Observer for Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope. Working in this area grew his interest in image processing, which he combined with his love of statistics and data analysis. It was this with the help of some of his colleagues that led to his establishment of the Solar Image Processing Workshops or SIPWork. Over the years, Young has helped organize and run 5 workshops and edited 3 special topic Solar Physics journal volumes on Solar Image Processing. Part of what he enjoys about data analysis topics is the sharing of knowledge with the solar and astrophysics communities. This has led to his participation with the California Harvard Astrostatisics Collaboration (CHASC) and serve as a member and current chair of the American Astronomical Society's (AAS) Astrostatistics and Astroinformatics Working Group.

Dr. Young's passion for sharing knowledge has also been fueled by giving public lectures, television and radio interviews for NASA/TV, and participation in several Discovery Channel documentaries. To further this outreach, he established the suntoday Facebook fan page and the complementary website These link to a Twitter feed and YouTube channel.

Dr. Young co-led NASA's public engagement efforts for the 2017 total solar eclipse.

Dr. Young led the NASA Heliophysics Education Activation Team (HEAT) and its earlier incarnations from 2015 to 2021.

Dr. Young is married with cats. He enjoys running, traveling, watching movies, and playing video games in his spare time.


Dr. C. Alex Young is a NASA solar astrophysicist studying space weather in our solar system and beyond. He serves as the Associate Director for Science in the Heliophysics science division. Dr. Young’s focus is to help make science communication approachable for the broad NASA community. He has taken his work in space weather; education, public outreach and media work for NASA; and love of science fiction to enrich his goal to help all become better communicators. Dr. Young also helped lead NASA’s national engagement efforts for the 2017 total solar eclipse and one of the agencies largest public outreach events ever.


Associate Director for Science Communication

Heliophysics Science Division - NASA/GSFC

July 2012 - Present

Lead science communication for the Division's projects and programs and coordinate this activity with NASA HQ, GSFC, and the science community. Ensure the flow of information on the Divisions science activities both within and outside the Division. Continue heliophysics science research.

Senior Support Scientist

ADNET Systems, Inc. - NASA/GSFC

June 2006 - July 2012

Supported operations and science for the SOHO mission including the EIT, LASCO and CDS instruments as well as the STEREO mission's science support center.

Senior Support Scientist

L-3 Communications, Government Services - NASA/GSFC

January 2003 - June 2006

Supported operations and science for the SOHO mission including the EIT, LASCO and CDS instruments as well as the STEREO mission's science support center.

Support Scientist

L-3 Communications, EER Systems Inc. - NASA/GSFC

October 2002 - January 2003

Supported operations and science for the SOHO mission including the EIT, LASCO and CDS instruments.

Support Scientist

L-3 Communications Analytics - NASA/GSFC

January 2002 - October 2002

Supported operations and science for the SOHO mission including the EIT, LASCO and CDS instruments.

Support Scientist

Emergent Information Technologies - NASA/GSFC

September 2000 - January 2002

Supported operations and science for the SOHO mission including the EIT, LASCO and CDS instruments.


B.S. in Physics from Florida State Unviersity in 1991

Masters in Physics at the University of New Hampshire in 1996

Ph.D. in physics at the University of New Hampshire in 2001


Professional Societies

American Geophysical Union

1997 - Present

American Astronomical Society

1996 - Present

American Association for the Advancement of Science

2016 - Present

American Statistical Association

2019 - Present

Professional Service

 2014 - Solar Information Procssing Workshop VII SOC
 2012 - Solar Information Processing Workshop VI SOC
 2010 - Solar Image Processing Workshop V SOC
 2008 - Solar Image Processing Workshop IV LOC Chair/SOC
 2006 - Solar Image Processing Workshop III SOC
 2004 - Solar Image Processing Workshop II LOC/SOC


  • 2024: NASA/GSFC RHG-Team Award, Goddard Eclipse Engagement Partnership
  • 2019: NASA Honor Award Silver Achievement Group Medal, Parker Solar Probe Team
  • 2018: AGU Athelstan Spilhaus Award
  • 2018: NASA Honor Award Exceptional Achievement Medal
  • 2018: NASA Honor Award Silver Achievement Group Medal, Heliophysics Education Consortium Eclipse Team
  • 2018: NASA Honor Award Group Achievement Award—NASA 2017 Eclipse Multimedia Visual Coverage Team
  • 2017: NASA GSFC, Heliophysics Science Division Peer Award
  • 2016: NASA/GSFC RHG Individual Award—Exceptional Achievement for Outreach
  • 2013: NASA/GSFC RHG and NASA HQ-Team Award, Transit of Venus Public Outreach Team
  • 2008: ADNET: Sciences and Exploration Data Analysis; SESDA II: Leadership Peer Award
  • 2006: NASA/GSFC RHG-Team Award, STEREO Open House Team

Special Experience

Popular Science Articles

  • Young, C. A., Space Weather: A Brief Overview, 7x24 Exchange Magazine, Spring 2011.
  • O’Neil, I., Young, C. A., and Gilbert, H. R., Science and Pseudoscience Behind the End of the World, 7x24 Exchange Magazine, Spring 2012.
  • Young, C. A., Solar Plasmas, Coalition for Plasma Science, 2013.
  • Young, C. A., Shadow Science, Sky and Telescope, 2018.
  • Green, J., and Young, C. A., Solar superstorms and their effects on Earth, Room: The Space Journal, 2019.

Media Interviews and Appearances


  • Discovery Channel, The Sun, June 2009.
  • Discovery Channel, Apocalypse 2012, November 2009.
  • NOVA and National Geographic, Sun/SDO, February 2011.
  • Discovery Canada and Channel 4 UK, Fall/Winter 2011/2012.
  • Consultant for the NOVA Documentary, Secrets of the Sun, April 25, 2012.
  • National Geographic Special: Mission to the Sun, 2019.

NASA Liveshots:

Liveshots are 2–3-minute live interviews between scientists and local, national, and international news organizations. They are coordinated in advance, and scientists often do back-to-back interviews for several hours.

  • February 2005: Solar Science
  • July 25, 2007: Space Weather
  • August 1, 2008: Total Solar Eclipse
  • February 9, 2011: STEREO’s 360-degree view of the Sun 
  • June 14, 2013: Heliophysics and Space Weather
  • November 26, 2013: Comet ISON
  • December 6, 2013: Solar Polar Field Reversal
  • June 14, 2014: NASA Heliophysics
  • November 20, 2014: Giant Sunspot
  • November 30, 2015: SOHO Anniversary
  • March 3, 2016: Total Solar Eclipse
  • May 9, 2016: Mercury Transit
  • October 21, 2016: STEREO Anniversary
  • November 11, 2016: Record Supermoon
  • March 20, 2017: Spring Equinox/Total Solar Eclipse
  • June 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse/Two Months Away
  • July 21, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse/One Month Away
  • August 16, 2017: Total Solar Eclipse: Are You Ready for the Eclipse?
  • February 2019: Parker Solar Probe
  • September 2019: ICON
  • February 2020: Solar Orbiter Launch
  • September 2020: NASA/NOAA: Space Weather
  • June 2021: Solstice
  • March 2024: Total Solar Eclipse
  • June 2024: Solstice


Individual interviews besides liveshots with CBS News, CBS Morning, Today, Good Morning America, CNN, MSN, Fox Weather, The Weather Channel, and PBS

Radio and Podcast Interviews (detailed examples on request):

Below the Belt Show, Science Friday,, NASA Gravity Assist, NPR, Al Jazeera English, BBC, CBC

Print and Online Media Contributions (detailed examples on request):

Quoted in and contributed to various news articles and video pieces, including NYT, Washington Post, LA Times, Slate, Forbes,, USA Today, Popular Mechanics, Scientific American, Universe Today, Business Insider, Daily Mail, Boston Globe, Voice of America, National Geographic, and more. 

Live Panel Discussions and Broadcasts:

  • NASA TV coverage for the Solar Orbiter launch, February 9, 2020.
  • NASA TV coverage for the Parker Solar Probe launch, July 20, 2018.
  • NASA TV coverage for the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse, August 21, 2017.
  • NASA TV Panel for the OSIRIS-REx launch, September 8, 2016.
  • NASA EDGE: MMS Launch Live, March 13, 2015.
  • NASA EDGE: Solar Max-Storm Warning, 2013.
  • NASA EDGE: Transit of Venus, June 5-6, 2012.

Public Speaking and Engagement Events

Invited Talks and Public Lectures:

  • National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), Indianapolis, IN—March 28, 2011, The Transit of Venus.
  • 7x24 Exchange 2011 Spring Conference (data centers Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft, etc.), June 2011, Space Weather.
  • 7x24 Exchange 2012 Spring Conference, June 2012, 2012 Doomsday Myths.
  • Smithsonian/NASA seminar, Here Comes the Sun: Seminar About Auroras, Flares, Spots, and Storms, Washington, D.C., on June 17, 2006.
  • State University of New York, Cortland: 2015
  • College of Charleston, 2017.
  • University of Alaska Fairbanks: 2020, 2024.
  • Loyola University, Maryland: 2023, 2024.
  • Library of Congress Lecture Series: 2016, 2017 and 2018.
  • The World Science Festival, New York City, 2015.

Educational Outreach and Informal Education:

  • Six Flags Physics Day, April 26, 2006.
  • Summer Solar Science Symposium at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH, July 2010.
  • Consultant and Advisor for WGBH Boston NOVA Labs on the Sun.
  • American Library Association, 2016.
  • American Museum of Natural History, Annual Sun-Earth Vernal Equinox Event, 2016, 2017, and 2018.
  • Maryland Delaware Library Association, 2016 and 2017.
  • PBS teacher’s lounge, SXSW Education, Austin, TX, March 6, 2018.
  • Haitian science student yearly meeting, Miami Dade College, 2017.
  • Garfield Park Lending Library in Newcastle, Delaware, 2018.
  • National Junior College of Singapore, July 2019.

Government Leadership Engagement Events:

  • Supported the NASA Associate Administrator (AA) for Science, Thomas Zurbuchen, during his testimony before the U.S. House and Senate subcommittees, which focused on NASA's preparations for the 2017 eclipse. This included drafting the testimony, serving as backup speaker, and providing the AA with information to answer committee questions.
  • NASA Science on the Hill forum.
  • AAS House and Senate informal sessions.



2016. "PERSISTENCE MAPPING USING EUV SOLAR IMAGER DATA." The Astrophysical Journal 825 (1): 27 [10.3847/0004-637x/825/1/27] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Preface." Solar Physics 283 3-4 [10.1007/s11207-013-0254-3] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Energy Release from Impacting Prominence Material Following the 2011 June 7 Eruption." The Astrophysical Journal 776 [L12-10.1088/2041-8205/776/1/L12] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "SunPy: Python for Solar Physics Data Analysis." American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #220 220 #522.07- [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "A Bayesian Analysis of the Correlations Among Sunspot Cycles." Solar Physics 281 847-862 [10.1007/s11207-012-0090-x] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Automatic Detection and Characterization of EIT Waves Observed by AIA Data." American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #220 220 #201.17- [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Coronal mass ejection detection using wavelets, curvelets and ridgelets: Applications for space weather monitoring." Advances in Space Research 47 2118-2126 [10.1016/j.asr.2010.03.028] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Preface." Solar Physics 262 233-233 [10.1007/s11207-010-9532-5] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Ex Luna Scientia! A New Paradigm for Nuclear Gamma-Ray Astrophysics." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 42 720- [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Automated Detection of Oscillating Regions in the Solar Atmosphere." Solar Physics 264 (2): 403-431 [10.1007/s11207-010-9592-6] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Ex Luna, Scientia -- The Lunar Occultation Observer (LOCO) Nuclear Astrophysics Mission Concept." LPI Contributions 1595 40- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "The kinematics of coronal mass ejections using multiscale methods." Astronomy and Astrophysics 495 325-334 [10.1051/0004-6361:200809811] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Solar Image Analysis and Visualization." Solar Image Analysis and Visualization: ISBN 978-0 387-98153-6. Springer New York 2009 [-10.1007/978-0-387-98154-3] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "The Lunar Occultation Observer (LOCO) -- A Nuclear Astrophysics All-Sky Survey Mission Concept." Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts 40 1364- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Automated detection of EUV Polar Coronal Holes during Solar Cycle 23." Solar Physics 257 99-112 [10.1007/s11207-009-9369-y] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Multifractal Properties of Evolving Active Regions." Solar Physics 248 297-309 [10.1007/s11207-007-9074-7] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Multiscale Characterization of Eruptive Events." First Results From Hinode 397 162- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "The Lunar Occultation Observer (LOCO) - A Nuclear Astrophysics All-Sky Survey Mission Concept." LPI Contributions 1415 2050- [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Multiscale Analysis of Active Region Evolution." Solar Physics 248 311-322 [10.1007/s11207-007-9028-0] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Multiresolution Analysis of Active Region Magnetic Structure and its Correlation with the Mount Wilson Classification and Flaring Activity." Solar Physics 252 121-137 [10.1007/s11207-008-9233-5] [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "The Complex Sun: Turbulence and Complexity of the Solar atmosphere." SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond 617 [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Wavelet analysis of Active Region structure." 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 36 2595- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "The virtual solar observatory." Proceedings of the ILWS Workshop 226- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Multifractal Analysis of Solar Magnetograms." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 38 222- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Toward RHESSI Spectroscopic Imaging II : Imaging." AAS/Solar Physics Division Meeting #37 37 #37.03- [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "IHY-CAWSES Data base." 2nd UN/NASA Workshop on International Heliophysical Year and Basic Space Science [Proceedings]

2005. "Sequential Chromospheric Brightenings beneath a Transequatorial Halo Coronal Mass Ejection." The Astrophysical Journal 630 1160-1167 [10.1086/432030] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Statistics of the Quiet Sun Intensity Distribution." The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations 600 [Journal Article/Letter]

2004. "Applying fragmentation models to the solar atmosphere." Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity 223 387-388 [10.1017/S1743921304006234] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Bayesian multiscale deconvolution applied to gamma-ray spectroscopy." Statistical Challenges in Astronomy 503-504 [Journal Article/Letter]

2002. "High-Energy Measurements of the November 15, 1991 Solar Flare." Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal tructure and Dynamics 397- [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "COMPTEL gamma-ray observations of the C4 solar flare on 20 January 2000." AIP Conf. Proc. 587 613-617 [10.1063/1.1419472] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "X- and gamma-ray observations of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare." Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 587 618-622 [10.1063/1.1419473] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solarflare." AIP Conf. Proc. 587 623-627 [10.1063/1.1419474] [Journal Article/Letter]

2001. "Bayesian multiscale deconvolution applied to gamma-ray spectroscopy." AIP Conference Proceedings, Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 587 701-705 [10.1063/1.1419486] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "X-Ray and Gamma Ray Measurements of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare." High Energy Solar Physics Workshop - Anticipating Hess! 206 451- [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Spectra of a recent bright burst measured by CGRO-COMPTEL: GRB 990123." AIP Conf. Proc. 526 170-174 [10.1063/1.1361528] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solar flare." AIP Conference Series 510 564-568 [10.1063/1.1303266] [Journal Article/Letter]

2000. "MeV measurements of γ-ray bursts by CGRO-COMPTEL; Revised catalog." Gamma-ray Bursts: 5th Huntsville Symposium 526 28-32 [10.1063/1.1361501] [Journal Article/Letter]

1999. "GRB 990123: correction to GCN 230 - C.A. Young added to author list." GRB Coordinates Network 237 1- [Journal Article/Letter]

1999. "Observations of GRB 990123 by the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory." The Astrophysical Journal 524 (1): 82-91 [10.1086/307808] [Journal Article/Letter]

1999. "GRB 990123: correction to GCN 230 - C.A. Young added to author list." GRB Coordinates Network 237 1- [Journal Article/Letter]

1998. "MeV measurements of gamma-ray bursts by CGRO-COMPTEL." Gamma-Ray Bursts: 4th Hunstville Symposium 428 344-348 [10.1063/1.55465] [Journal Article/Letter]

1997. "Neutron Transport in the Solar Atmosphere." International Cosmic Ray Conference 1 21- [Journal Article/Letter]

1996. "Quantifying variability of GRB light curves using multifractal analysis." American Institute of Physics Conference Series 384 57-61 [10.1063/1.51571] [Journal Article/Letter]

1996. "A compact representation of GRB time series using multiscale edge detection." AIP Conference Proceedings, Gamma-ray bursts: 3rd Huntsville symposium 384 116-122 [10.1063/1.51728] [Journal Article/Letter]

1996. "A search for micro cosmic gamma-ray bursts in BATSE one second continuous data." AIP Conference Proceedings, Gamma-ray bursts: 3rd Huntsville symposium 384 (1): 555-559 [10.1063/1.51724] [Journal Article/Letter]

1995. "Searching for Multifractal Scaling in Gamma-Ray Burst Time Series." Astrophysics and Space Science 231 111-114 [10.1007/BF00658597] [Journal Article/Letter]

1995. "A compact representation of gamma-ray burst time series." Astrophysics and Space Science 231 (1-2): 119-122 [10.1007/BF00658599] [Journal Article/Letter]

1994. "Wavelet Analysis of Gamma Ray Bursts." Gamma-Ray Bursts 307 701- [Journal Article/Letter]